Force Wellness Center
Below is some valuable information to keep in mind for Force families to keep your children safe and healthy throughout the school year:
Sick Children Should Stay at Home
Just a few reminders regarding student health. Please do not send ill children to school. Not only do they risk the chance of catching other germs but they can spread their illness to others. Use these guidelines to determine if your child should stay home:
- Persistent and uncontrollable cough
- A fever of 100.0 degrees or higher
- Persistent headache
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea, ongoing stomach pain
- Sore throat lasting more than 3 days
- Unexplained rashes
- Any of the above with general fatigue or sleepiness
Please take your child to their health care provider if they have any of the following:
- Ongoing respiratory issues persistent cough, chest tightness, or pain
- Unexplained fever of over 100.5 degrees
- Sore throat lasting more than 3 days
- Red, itchy, or burning eyes with or without discharge
Please contact the Force Nurse’s Office with any questions: 720-424-7405.
Head Lice Information
DPS follows the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) policies regarding head lice. Please access current information regarding head lice information for schools:
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is head lice? When a person has head lice or pediculosis, it means a certain kind of louse has gotten into the hair and is laying eggs called “nits” which hatch into more lice. A louse is a small insect about l/l6th of an inch with an oval, grayish body.
- Where are they found? Head lice are found on the scalp and first show up in the hair over the ears or the hairline of the neck. If not killed, they spread to all parts of the scalp and hair. The nits or eggs can be seen along the hairs like tiny beads on a thread. The nits are shiny, oval in shape, and gray or white in color.
- What are the symptoms? (1) Itching of the scalp, or (2) nits along the hair shaft. Dandruff can be removed by a light snap of the finger against a hair, but nits stick and can be removed only by sliding them the length of a hair as you would slide beads off a string.
- Can I get lice? Anyone can get lice. It has been said, “It is no disgrace to get lice, but it is a disgrace to keep them.” If lice are brought into the household, they can spread among all members of a family.
- What is the treatment? The infected child and all members of the family should have their hair shampooed with medicated shampoo that can be bought over the counter, or obtained from your family health care source or the school. The lice and nits must be killed or they will rehatch in about 7 days and a new batch of lice will again start the condition. To prevent re-infestation, hats, caps, scarves, and other head coverings, combs, and brushes should be treated to destroy lice and nits. All clothing and bedding used within a month of infestation should be laundered in hot, soapy water or dry-cleaned.
Suggestions for Treatment:
- Short hair aids control measures.
- Shampoo hair once with regular shampoo before using medicated shampoo.
- Shampoo with the warmest possible water. Then using an electric hair dryer may help.
- Rinsing with a vinegar rinse may help loosen nits.
- Following shampoo, nits must be combed out with a fine-tooth comb or pulled out with fingernails the full length of the hair. Nit removal is essential for successful treatment.
- If head lice persist after one treatment, review shampooing procedures to make certain it was done properly.